Our Aim For Transparency Amid Unfair Industry Practices


In the fast-paced world of video content, we’ve set out to provide our customers with a seamless TV experience through WTCtv.


With a wide selection of channels and packages, WTCtv provides endless entertainment with on-the-go TV streaming through the WTCtv app.


We all enjoy tuning in to our favorite shows, movies, and live events, but have you ever wondered why the price for your TV service seems to change each year? Let’s dig into the cause of this annual increase in TV pricing. 


First, flash back to the enactment of the 1992 Cable Act. This action was put into place to redefine the relationship between broadcasters and cable providers like WTC. A significant outcome of this act was the introduction of Retransmission Consent Fees, designed to make cable providers pay local broadcasters for the right to broadcast their content.


Though these fees were well-intended and logical back in 1992, few could have foreseen the explosion of the Internet and the effect it would have on the consumption of video content.


To make things worse, national broadcast networks began to feel left out of the exchange between local networks and cable providers, and began charging local networks with retransmission fees of their own. This, in turn, caused local networks to ask for even higher rates from cable providers.


In essence, retransmission fees, initially designed to support local journalism, are now being exploited by national networks, siphoning money from local providers like WTC and the communities they serve.


With corporate greed at the forefront, national networks misuse their power, leaving small local providers and their customers to bear the consequences. While WTC absorbs a portion of these increasing costs, there is no choice but to pass a percentage of these fees along to our customers.


These fees continually rise each year, with totals surpassing $14.5B in 2022. If the demands of national networks are not agreed upon, they will simply pull their content from the air until their terms are accepted. Meanwhile, lobbyists in Washington DC are hard at work advocating for these big networks, fighting to maintain the current imbalance of retransmission fees.


As a customer-focused provider, we are dedicated to delivering quality TV service while managing the impact of corrupt industry practices. Your understanding of these intricate processes is crucial as we continue to navigate the video content landscape. At WTC, we deeply appreciate your ongoing trust and support!


To find out more about this issue, visit americantelevisionalliance.org.


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